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Maendeleo ya kweli na yenye tija kwa wengi yanaanzia kwako wewe binafsi, ili kudhibitisha kuwa ni kweli bofya picha hii.
“Look at African countries like Nigeria or Kenya for instance,those people are stealing from their own government and go to invest the money in foreign countries.

From the government to the opposition, they only qualify to be used as a case study whenever bad examples are required.

How do you trust even those who have run away to hide here in the United States, hiding behind education? I hear they abuse me in their blogs but I don’t care because even the internet they are using is ours and we can decide to switch it off from this side. These are people who import everything including matchsticks.

In my opinion, most of these African countries ought to be recolonized again for another 100 years because they know nothing about leadership and self-governance.

Siku zote bahati yako iko mikononi mwako tu, ili kudhibitisha kuwa ni kweli bofya kwenye picha iliyopo hapa chini.
Never let a problem become an excuse. Put your Problem in Proper Perspective. What is the secret ingredient of tough people that enables them to succeed? Why do they survive the tough times when others are overcome by them? Why do they win when others lose? Why do they soar when others sink? The answer is very simple. It's all in how they perceive their problems.

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