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Maendeleo ya kweli na yenye tija kwa wengi yanaanzia kwako wewe binafsi, ili kudhibitisha kuwa ni kweli bofya picha hii.

“I waited with great faith and hope in the hope of still being able to serve the Brazilian national team in this Copa America. Unfortunately it will not be possible.

I know that my presence in the group is important, as well as of each of the other players, more than ever, they must completely turn their thoughts to the upcoming matches ahead.

I was given the duty of being one of the group leaders and as captain take responsibility for bringing glory and making decisions, whether wrong or right.

And this was a moment of decision. Regardless of where I’ll be from now on, I’ll always follow Brazil, rooting for the success of my teammates, but staying here training is killing me inside With no joy.

It’s awful to train without preparing for something and this could lead to an accidental injury which would make it even more difficult. I needed to express this feeling to the group and the coaching staff who have always supported me.

Staying here could bring a bad environment of “Concentration” issues that would take the focus away from the main purpose of Brazil.

I apologise to my colleagues, for putting myself in this situation but I’m sure this was an important learning curve in my career.
Siku zote bahati yako iko mikononi mwako tu, ili kudhibitisha kuwa ni kweli bofya kwenye picha iliyopo hapa chini.
Never let a problem become an excuse. Put your Problem in Proper Perspective. What is the secret ingredient of tough people that enables them to succeed? Why do they survive the tough times when others are overcome by them? Why do they win when others lose? Why do they soar when others sink? The answer is very simple. It's all in how they perceive their problems.

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