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Maendeleo ya kweli na yenye tija kwa wengi yanaanzia kwako wewe binafsi, ili kudhibitisha kuwa ni kweli bofya picha hii.

Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi CHADEMA, Reginald Munisi

CHADEMA imesema kuwa itakubali matokeo ya uchaguzi mkuu utakaofanyika tarehe 25, Oktoba 2015 kama mchakato mzima utakuwa wa huru na haki.

Akiongea na waandishi wa Habari, Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi wa CHADEMA Reginald Munisi amesema ni muhimu kwa vyama vyote vya siasa kuwa tayari na aina yoyote ya matokeo ili nchi iendelee kuwa na amani.

CHADEMA pia imeviasa vyama vingine vinavyoshiriki uchaguzi mkuu, kutangaza kukubali matokeo kama vikishindwa kwenye uchaguzi mkuu ujao.

Aliendelea kusema kuwa vyama vinavyoshiriki uchaguzi mkuu, vinatakiwa kuufanyia kazi ushauri uliotolewa na Rais Mstaafu wa Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan kuwa tunahitaji kulinda demokrasia tuliyoijenga kwa kuwa tayari kukubaliana na matokeo ya uchaguzi bila kusababisha vurugu.

Akiongelea maandalizi ya uchaguzi mkuu utakaofanyika Jumapili wiki hii, Munisi amesema CHADEMA kinasubiri ufafanunuzi wa ziada kutoka NEC juu ya baadhi ya maelekezo waliyopewa wasimamizi wa Uchaguzi.

Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) has declared ‎to accept election results, if it the process will be fair.

Speaking to journalists on Thursday, Chadema director of elections, Reginald Munisi said it is important for all parties to be ready for any results so that the country can continue to be in peace.

Chadema also urged other parties participating in the elections to declare acceptance of results in case they lose.

“Those who are participating, especially for the highest post should take advice given by former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan that we need to protect the democracy in our country by accepting election results without creating chaos,” he said.

Speaking about preparation for Sunday’s general election, Munisi said the party is still waiting for clarifications from the National Electoral Commission concerning instructions given to election supervisors.

Their concerns include, allowing voters whose names are not on the permanent voters’ registry but who have identity cards to vote, increase in the number of names of voters in the registry and allowing voters with ID numbers that are different from those on voters register to vote.

“We do not accept the permission given by NEC to voters whose information is confusing, that’s why we asked them to give clarification on the matter,” he said and added that they have not yet received clarifications from NEC.
Siku zote bahati yako iko mikononi mwako tu, ili kudhibitisha kuwa ni kweli bofya kwenye picha iliyopo hapa chini.
Never let a problem become an excuse. Put your Problem in Proper Perspective. What is the secret ingredient of tough people that enables them to succeed? Why do they survive the tough times when others are overcome by them? Why do they win when others lose? Why do they soar when others sink? The answer is very simple. It's all in how they perceive their problems.

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